Welcome to brilliantWorld !

At our cozy studio in Saguenay, Canada, we’re all about putting players first. We genuinely value your feedback and ideas because we believe they make our games better. Whether it’s a mobile game or a computer adventure, we’re dedicated to creating experiences that speak to you.


Founded in


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Games Published


Number of players

Our Mission

Our mission is simple: to spread joy and wonder through the magic of gaming. We’re all about crafting experiences that leave a lasting impression, bringing people together regardless of where they come from or who they are.

With a fire in our hearts and creativity as our compass, we’re constantly pushing the boundaries of what gaming can achieve. Each project is a journey to transport players to new realms, challenge their minds, and stir their emotions.

But it doesn’t stop there. Beyond just making games, we’re dedicated to building a community where every voice matters. Your feedback isn’t just appreciated—it’s essential. Your passion drives us forward, shaping the games we create and the worlds we explore.

Our Vision

In our hearts, we dream of a world where gaming isn’t just about fun—it’s about making a real difference. We believe in games that touch your soul, spark your curiosity, and inspire you to be your best self.

Picture a future where playing isn’t just a pastime, but a path to understanding and change. Where the stories we tell in virtual worlds open eyes, hearts, and minds in the real one.

Through our games, we’re on a mission to tear down walls, build bridges, and bring people together, no matter where they come from or what they believe. We’re all about creating a gaming world that’s as diverse and inclusive as the one we live in, where everyone feels like they belong.